Am Montag 24 August 2009 17:26:06 schrieben Sie: > Hi Uwe, > > I'm writing to you in my role as one of the debian listmasters. We > currently have several complaints from users about your behaviour on the > debian-boot mailinglist. I took a look on some of your mails (for example > <>), that type of mails are really > unacceptable behaviour on your mailinglist. You may want to take a look on > the netiquette [1] or our code of conduct [2] before sending mails to one > of our mailinglists. > > This mails is some kind of a warning, if complaints against you continue I > will have ban you from the according mailinglist, if they even continue > after that I will have to ban you from at all. > > I really hope that this is not neccessary. Please come back to a normal > discussion style. > > Thanks in advance > > Alex - Debian Listmaster > > [1] > [2]
Alex, unfortunately I cannot reproduce your above link for technical reasons. (i. e. for example what please?). Of course I do accept repression against me for going too far losing temper - no discussion about that. But on the other hand it would be nothing else but highly democratic in the sense of the meaning to give up protectionism of arrogant and stupid ignorant developers like Christian Perrier. If this is not being taken into consideration, bans against me and others are nothing but fascist behaviour in the end... 1. We do not live in the Roman Empire any longer (i. e. Quod licet Iovi non licet Bovi is obsolete, crap of the history) 2. Democracy means "Freedom of attitudes". Who thinks different is completely displaced here and elsewhere. 3. In fact I do respect netiquettes in the normal cases. Buit if "Nettiquettes" mean nothing else than protectionism of arrogant and stupid incapable people then nettiquettes are bunk, at least in my eyes. Cheers Uwe P. S.: Every fish stinks starting from the HEAD down to the TAIL, not vice versa! -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact