On Fri, 2009-08-07 at 14:05 +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
> On Friday 07 August 2009, Ian Campbell wrote:
> > +while getopts d:h OPT ; do
> Is getopts also supported in dash?

I believe so. 

I just tried it and it looks like the script is already not dash-ready:
$ dash -x ./easy-build.sh -h
+ set -e
+ export CF=CONF.sh
+ . CONF.sh
.: 1: CONF.sh: not found

(Just to show dash knows about getops since the above didn't get that   
$ dash -c 'getopts'
getopts: 1: Usage: getopts optstring var [arg]

> > +       case $OPT in
> > +           d)
> > +               case $OPTARG in
> > +               # Note: "gnome" is the special gnome task, not the generic 
> > task
> > +                   gnome|kde|lxde|xfce|light|all) 
> > +                       desktop=$2
> > +                       ;;
> > +                   *)
> > +                       show_usage
> > +                       exit 1
> > +                       ;;
> > +               esac ;;
> > +           h) show_usage; exit 1;;
> Please put the commands for the "h" option on separate lines (as is done
> for the others).


> AFAIK a plain 'show_usage', if not displayed as the result of an error,
> should have an 'exit 0'.


> The -h option should be listed in the usage output.


> Maybe it would be good to also support --help if -h is added.

Since getopts doesn't support long options I agree with Max that it
isn't worth the complexity.

Updated patch below.


easy-build.sh: use getopts instead of rolling our own option parsing.

 easy-build.sh |   29 ++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/easy-build.sh b/easy-build.sh
index c586c1e..5e7a31a 100755
--- a/easy-build.sh
+++ b/easy-build.sh
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ set -e
 ## See also CONF.sh for the meaning of variables used here.
 show_usage() {
-       echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [-d gnome|kde|lxde|xfce|light|all] 
+       echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [-h] [-d gnome|kde|lxde|xfce|light|all] 
@@ -25,19 +25,26 @@ if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
-if [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then
-       case $2 in
-           # Note: "gnome" is the special gnome task, not the generic task
-           gnome|kde|lxde|xfce|light|all)
-               desktop=$2
-               shift 2
-               ;;
-           *)
+while getopts d:h OPT ; do
+       case $OPT in
+           d)
+               case $OPTARG in
+               # Note: "gnome" is the special gnome task, not the generic task
+                   gnome|kde|lxde|xfce|light|all)
+                       desktop=$2
+                       ;;
+                   *)
+                       show_usage
+                       exit 1
+                       ;;
+               esac ;;
+           h) 
-               exit 1
+               exit 0
+shift $(expr $OPTIND - 1)
 export DISKTYPE="$1"

Ian Campbell
Current Noise: Witchcraft - It's So Easy

Logic is the chastity belt of the mind!

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