Josselin Mouette wrote:
> OK. I think we need to make a new round of checks to see whether there
> are some other things that are installed now and whether it is wise to
> consider them. I can start with a list of things in meta-gnome2, but
> there are also some indirect recommends.
>       * gnome-games-extra-data : 4 MB download, its utility is purely
>         visual. Nothing more, nothing less. I don’t know if it’s worth
>         the deal, but it’s not as if disk space was expensive these
>         days.

My opinion of this has not changed since last time. 

>       * epiphany-extensions-more : small and really nice to have.

There are some useful things in there; I am never sure about the real
value of adding extensions which still have to be manually enabled to the
default install; it does ease discovery some. I suspect a lot of people
who want to use extensions will use iceweasel though.

>       * gnome-office (abiword, gimp, gnumeric, xsane, inkscape,
>         planner) : the main problem with this one is that we get to ship
>         two word processors and two spreadsheets. I’m already not fond
>         of shipping two browsers. OTOH they both have some features and
>         GNOME integration that OOo doesn’t have.

I think it's bad enough we install two browsers and we should avoid two
office suites. 

Note that xsane and inkscape are already included in the gnome-desktop task;
gimp is in the desktop task.

>       * gnome-accessibility (at-spi, dasher, gnome-mag, gok, gnome-orca,
>         mousetweaks, gnome-accessibility-themes) : I think it’s better
>         to have this by default, but the size impact is not negligible.

It is in fact already included in the gnome-desktop task.

You may also want to pick at this list from the task:

# The complete gnome environment, with selected extras.
# TODO: Everything in list below should be moved to its Depends/Recommends.
# add gnome support for iceweasel, which is pulled in via the main desktop task
# use rarian-compat instead of scrollkeeper
# May not get installed unless forced, if some other browser satisfies the
# dependency, so force it.
# GNOME support in OOo
# support for scanners
# vector drawing
# accessibility support

see shy jo

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