Package: installation-reports

Boot method: CD
Image version: 
Date: 2009/5/16 1:00AM GMT-5

Machine: Sun Ultra 1
Processor: UltraSparc 200MHz
Memory: 512mb
Partitions: Initially blank, FUBAR, or otherwise unknown.

Final partitioning scheme: zeromus:~# df -Tl
Filesystem    Type   1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda4     ext3     1851432    342848   1414536  20% /
tmpfs        tmpfs      255256         0    255256   0% /lib/init/rw
udev         tmpfs       10240       160     10080   2% /dev
tmpfs        tmpfs      255256         0    255256   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1     ext2       91159     15407     70888  18% /boot
/dev/sdb1     ext3     2045912    237028   1704956  13% /var

Output of lspci -knn (or lspci -nn):
zeromus:~# lspci -knn

(this would make sense, because it's not a pci system)

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [O]
Detect network card:    [O]
Configure network:      [O]
Detect CD:              [ ]
Load installer modules: [O]
Detect hard drives:     [O]
Partition hard drives:  [E]
Install base system:    [O]
Clock/timezone setup:   [O]
User/password setup:    [O]
Install tasks:          [O]
Install boot loader:    [O]
Overall install:        [ ]


Booted fine, continued through the entire install process 100% as normal until
the partitioner.

Chose manual partitioning from the menu.

Walked through the partitioning process as normal, and quickly discovered that
it wasn't doing as it was told.

/dev/sda (2.1GB disk)- Created 100mb /boot ext2 partition
       Created 100mb swap partition
       Attempted to create remaining 1.9GB partition - ended up with ~700KB.

Similar story for /dev/sdb (same size).

Did a little poking around with the partition tools in the shell during the
standard install.

Discovered that the disklabel was initially written to the disk with the
correct geometry, but after the creation of the first partition on the disk,
the disklabel now indicates a much smaller disk with significantly different
geometry. Did not attempt to write to disk - it would have been pointless
anyway because the effective usable size of the disk was ~200MB.

Had to partition the disks manually from expert mode's shell using parted
directly. After rewriting the disklabel, I was able to partition the drive

Rebooted out of expert mode (No real reason), reloaded in standard mode, ran
through again, only using the partitioning menu to assign the mountpoints and
filesystems. Everything worked as expected from that point forward.

This system will be getting new drives in the next week or so, at which point
I'll be able to use it to reproduce and further debug this problem if needed.

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