((volunterily breaking out threading)

Quoting Christian Perrier (bubu...@debian.org):

> I will choose the best suited time from the poll results. Of course, I
> will try to arrange time for the key people (mostly those who followed
> up on my initial mail...plus Steve Mc Intyre, who I'd like to have in
> the meeting) to be here.
> Deadline for the poll:  Thursday March 5th midnight UTC (indeed Friday
> 6th morning is probably OK....:-))
> Many thanks in advance for your care in answering.

Because of unexpected load at work (I should expect it now and not
plan to have any brain availability for Debian work on week evenings),
I postpone the decision for the D-I team meeting date for the upcoming

I'll try to announce something tomorrow (Saturday 7th). Thanks to all
people who responded: that should be enough to have a good meeting and
most of the "key" people I had in mind answered.

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