Package: console-setup
Version: 1.28
Severity: normal
Blocks: 508244


on upgrade from lenny to squeeze, console-setup will get installed as
dependency of xserver-xorg, and the keyboard layout for X will be read
from /etc/default/console-setup (unless for some reason that plan
doesn't work out, but so far it seems ok).

In order to make the upgrade path work, and avoid prompting users or
unexpectedly changing their X kbd layout, console-setup will thus need
to read xorg.conf, with something like the following patch.  This is
only lightly tested at the moment (thus no patch tag), but I'm filing
this early in case people have comments already :)
Basically, I scan xorg.conf for the first InputDevice section with an
XkbLayout option, and use the options from that section.  This is not
quite complete (if you have multiple InputDevice sections with different
layouts, all but the first will be ignored), but should cover most

One question though, it looks like it's not possible to set multiple
layouts using console-setup's debconf interface?  Is there another way
to preserve this kind of settings when they're set that way in


diff --git a/debian/config.proto b/debian/config.proto
index 0d9c2fc..891cd05 100644
--- a/debian/config.proto
+++ b/debian/config.proto
@@ -1051,14 +1051,64 @@ esac
+# Get the layout from xorg.conf if available, and lower the priority of
+# the Debconf question to low
+if [ -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf ]; then
+    awk_expr='
+BEGIN { state=0 }
+    if (state == 0) {
+        if (tolower($1) == "section" && tolower($2) == "\"inputdevice\"")
+            state = 1
+    }
+    if (state == 1) {
+        if (tolower($1) == "option") {
+            if (tolower($2) == "\"xkbmodel\"")
+                xkbmodel = $3
+            if (tolower($2) == "\"xkblayout\"")
+                xkblayout = $3
+            if (tolower($2) == "\"xkbvariant\"")
+                xkbvariant = $3
+            if (tolower($2) == "\"xkboptions\"")
+                xkboptions = $3
+        }
+        if (tolower($1) == "endsection") {
+            if (xkblayout) {
+                print "XKBLAYOUT=" xkblayout
+                if (xkbmodel) print "XKBMODEL=" xkbmodel
+                if (xkbvariant) print "XKBVARIANT=" xkbvariant
+                if (xkboptions) print "XKBOPTIONS=" xkboptions
+                exit
+            }
+            state = 0
+            xkbmodel = ""
+            xkblayout = ""
+            xkbvariant = ""
+            xkboptions = ""
+        }
+    }
+    eval $(awk "$awk_expr" < /etc/X11/xorg.conf)
+    got_xkboptions=yes
+    model_priority=low
+    layout_priority=low
+    if [ "$XKBMODEL" ]; then
+       default_model="$XKBMODEL"
+    fi
+    if [ "$XKBLAYOUT" ]; then
+       default_layout="${XKBLAYOUT%,*}"
+    fi
+    default_variant="${XKBVARIANT%,*}"
+elif db_get debian-installer/keymap && [ "$RET" ]; then
 # Use the value of debian-installer/keymap to get better default
 # layout.  Lower the priority of the Debconf question to medium.
 # This is a desperation measure, but required for migration from
 # pre-console-setup systems without X installed. We just have to copy
 # the guesswork formerly done by xserver-xorg.config.
-if db_get debian-installer/keymap && [ "$RET" ]; then

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