Frans Pop <> writes:

> On Friday 09 January 2009, Ferenc Wagner wrote:
>> The fix is to use kB units in calculating the free space:
>> free_size=$(vgs -o vg_free --units K --noheading --nosuffix $VG_name |
>> sed -e 's/\..*//g'
> I have committed and uploaded this change.

Thanks.  This helps, but does not solve this bug, see below.

>> Now.  If at the same time I scrap the whole kB scheme and stick to MB
>> as usual, the original problem disappears, too.  With the attached
>> patch I get the following result, which I consider perfect:
> AFAICT that cleanup is also correct, but IMO it is not suitable as a 
> last-minute change for Lenny.

I can accept this, but then this BR should not be closed, as the 1 TB
limit (which hit the reporter) remains.  People with big disks can
still get huge swaps, as no LV can suck up more than 1 TB.

Sorry if I didn't manage to make that clear previously.

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