clone 509798 -1
reassign -1 partman-ext3
retitle -1 needs check to make sure /boot is bootable on HP mv2120 and Kurobox
severity -1 wishlist

> The first one was pretty silly, I forgot to mark /dev/sda1 (/boot) as
> bootable.  It would have been nice if the partitioner warned me about
> this before completing the install and having the system fail to boot.

Yep, I recently made the same mistake and put it on my TODO list to
add a check for this.  This won't happen for lenny though.

I'll clone this bug to keep track of this.

> The second issue was that there wasn't an option to format a partition
> with XFS.

XFS is not offered in the installer on ARM because it doesn't work
properly on ARM, see #423562

> The third issue showed up when I was setting up the partitions as
> follows (I have 2 1TB drives):

I don't know about this one I'm afraid.  Maybe someone else will
Martin Michlmayr

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