On Saturday 15 November 2008, Igor Támara wrote:
> Hi, I noticed the spanish translation needs some work to be up to
> date, I'm ready for that task, please add ikks-guest account to have
> write permission on es to take actions in translating and reviewing.

Hello Igor,

Thanks for offering to help. I have contacted the current translation 
coordinator for Spanish (although I'm not sure how active he still is) 
about your request as we do prefer translation effort to be coordinated, 
especially for the "major" languages.

I have seen that you are asking for review on the d-l10n-spanish list, so 
that part is OK.

If I have not heard from Javier by the end of this weekend I'll go ahead 
and add you. Please make sure to read the available documentation for 
translators of the installation guide:
- http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/
- http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/translators.html


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