On Thu, Nov 06, 2008 at 09:28:51PM +1100, Anibal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
>There will be a Debian Installer Meeting on Friday 7 November 2008 at
>21:00 UTC.
>More information is available at the wiki page below.
Log file: http://people.debian.org/~anibal/d-i/debian-boot-20081107.log


People who participated in the meeting:

otavio    : Otavio Salvador
bubulle   : Christian Perrier
anibal    : Anibal Monsalve Salazar
tbm       : Martin Michlmayr
mace      : Miah Gregory
franklin  : Franklin Piat
faw       : Felipe Augusto van de Wiel 
cjwatson  : Colin Watson
Ryan52    : Ryan Niebur

Apologies received from:

fjp       : Frans pop


For RC1, we have done most things. Help is needed for more people to
re-read the announcement [1] and the errata [2].

Christian will ask debian-l10n-english to review the announcement.

Martin reports that mips and arm are complete and he will contact other
porters about the other architectures and subarchitectures. He'll check
the announcement for any missing thing, as well.

The errata is outdated. Otavio will post an errata with a few updates to
the mailing list so others could test the current issues in the errata.
Colin may check the errata WRT PowerMac issues.

Frans probably has some hints for the errata.

Currently, some versions of binary packages used by the D-I are not in
testing yet. This will be taken care of during RC2.

Otavio will go through the mail messages about packages that need an ACK
from D-I before they are unbloked by the release team.

Frans followed the string freeze and translation status so he can
probably deal with that. The deadline is on Monday 10 November.

The announcement has to wait for the final CD build which takes 2 days.
So, the release announcement, errata and website should be ready by
Friday 14 November.

Christian will commit aupdates for the release announcement, errata and


Otavio raised the following RC2 issues:

- win32-loader needs to go to lenny
- kernel needs updating
- l-m-e-2.6 needs fixing due virtualbox version missmatch (did not check
  if it has been fixed or not)
- fix any discovered critical bug in rc1
- check source packages that need to go to lenny due GPL


Otavio will open svn for post-lenny changes after RC1. Colin will keep
an eye on possible changes and push them.

Release Announcement

Otavio proposed to form a team for the release management after RC1.

Christian said the team will have some identified tasks, such as
"release announcement is kept up-to-date by $person1", "errata is
managed by $person2" and so on.

Next Meeting

Anibal will announce a small meeting for Tuesday 11 November at 21:00

[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/ReleaseAnnounce
[2] http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/errata

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