Frans Pop ha scritto:
> But another possibility is that you are just not following the correct
> procedure. Support for dmraid is far from perfect and things will *only*
> work if you follow the documented procedure.
> How did you do the partitioning? Did you *exactly* follow the instructions
> that are given in the "Partitioning" section of the SataRAID wiki page [1]?
> Did the partman screens look like the examples that are given there?
> Screenshots before and after doing the "Write changes in SATA RAID
> partitioning to disk" step would be nice too.
> Please send the /var/log/partman (gzipped!) after you do the partitioning.

Ok, some other test.

- First test

Partition disk:

Choose free space and create a new partition:

Unfortunately I got an out of memory.

You can find partman and sylog log here:

- Second test

Partition disk:

This time I choose "Automatically partition the free space", "all files in one
partition" and I got:

I selected "finish partitioning and write changes to disk and I got the bad
device with "p", and no grub support.

brw-------    1 root     root     254,   0 Aug 30 18:14 sil_aiahbgbgaaaj
brw-------    1 root     root     254,   1 Aug 30 18:16 sil_aiahbgbgaaajp1
brw-------    1 root     root     254,   2 Aug 30 18:14 sil_aiahbgbgaaajp2
brw-------    1 root     root     254,   3 Aug 30 18:14 sil_aiahbgbgaaajp5

the second test log is here:

- Third test (as wiki procedure but with "Automatically partition the free 

As the second, but this time I selected "Write changes in SATA RAID partitioning
to disk", and I got:

# ls -la /dev/mapper
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          180 Aug 30 18:50 .
drwxr-xr-x   10 root     root         2860 Aug 30 18:50 ..
crw-rw----    1 root     root      10,  60 Aug 30 18:42 control
brw-------    1 root     root     254,   0 Aug 30 18:43 sil_aiahbgbgaaaj
brw-------    1 root     root     254,   4 Aug 30 18:56 sil_aiahbgbgaaaj1
brw-------    1 root     root     254,   5 Aug 30 18:56 sil_aiahbgbgaaaj5
brw-------    1 root     root     254,   1 Aug 30 19:02 sil_aiahbgbgaaajp1
brw-------    1 root     root     254,   2 Aug 30 19:02 sil_aiahbgbgaaajp2
brw-------    1 root     root     254,   3 Aug 30 18:43 sil_aiahbgbgaaajp5

I selected partition #1 below sil_aiahbgbgaaaj1 (partion #1) and I set it for
ext3 /  :

Now I selected sil_aiahbgbgaaaj5 (partition #5) and pressed enter:

Now I got:

I selected Free space and create a new partition, set it as swap area:

Now I selected "finish partitioning and write changes to disk

Installed base system: OK

This time, I can install grub. Installation terminated successfully

- Fourth test

As the first, but I increased virtual machine memory to 512MB (In first test was
Same out of memory.

In conclusion, If I try to follow wiki procedure I can't create new partition,
but only "Automatically partition the free space", otherwise I got an out of 


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