On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 04:49:57AM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
> busybox has alot of cruft turned on that doesn't need to be, going
> through that and finding potential applets to kill would be useful.
> its probably a good idea to ask on the list first so the other
> archtectures can comment on whether something can go or not.
The busybox applets seem to be fine but I wonder about the following:
depmod and insmod are taken from the modutils (rmmod and modprobe
being links to insmod) whereas lsmod from busybox is used. Is there a
reason for this? I already checked the BTS for bugs in busybox but
there weren't any concerning the module-stuff. As the modutils-bins
eat about 200k on Alpha (uncompressed) and busybox will grow a bit
when compiling in the mod-stuff this won't save the Alpha-bootdisks
but it might be a way. Comments?
Thimo Neubauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 semi-frozen! See http://www.debian.org/ for details
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