On Sun, Jul 01, 2001 at 05:15:34PM -0400, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> Hi there boot people. I have a simple question: I am soon (Tuesday) going to be
> doing an install of Debian on an Apple G4. (Of course, this has no floppy
> drive, so I'd have to boot off of a CD-ROM.) Should I use a potato CD and then
> upgrade to woody or sid over the available T1-speed DSL connection, or would
> it be better to roll my own woody CDs? If so, what settings, packages, etc.
> would you recommend using? Do I need to put any packages on it, or can I
> download everything over the DSL? Since -boot is responsible for debian-cd and
> boot-floppies, I am asking here. Thanks for any and all replies. If this is
> off-topic, just tell me where to ask and I'll humbly apologize for being OT and
> then go ask somewhere else.
if you want to try out woody boot-floppies have a current (as of
yesterday afternoon) cvs build up at
to make an ad-hoc bootable CD drop all those files into a directory,
say master along with a yaboot binary
(http://penguinppc.org/usr/ybin/yaboot) and a yaboot.conf like this:
and run:
mkhybrid -part -hfs -map maps -no-desktop -hfs-volid Debian -r -o cdimage.raw master
it won't be a totally bootable CD, you will have to boot into
OpenFirmware and enter the command:
boot cd:,\yaboot
some people have trouble installing the kernel and drivers unless its
in a specific directory structure, i never have to do this but...
make copies of the files you got from my b-f-cvs directory and put
them in:
there is no base.tgz, you install base over http now.
Ethan Benson
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