On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 01:40:21AM -0400, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> So this particular issue is unchanged in d-i vs b-f. And, again, it's
> a debian-cd issue if I'm not mistaken.
no its a bootloader issue, quik doesn't work on CDs, and miboot (whats
used on floppies now) on a CD requires non-free, non-distributable,
proprietary Apple CDROM drivers to be burned on the CD. not
acceptable for debian. until someone either writes a new bootloader
that works on CDs without non-free software/drivers, or writes a free
MacOS CDROM driver to put on the CDs oldworlds will be condemned to
use floppies to boot forever.
> Even if b-f is EOL, it's what Woody will be shipping with, so it
> affects thousands if not tens of thousands of users. I didn't mean to
> imply at all that we should do what we can to make installation (even
> on OldWorld) as easy as possible.
> So, again, I think this all is worthwhile, even in the context of
> woody and b-f (esp. since most of it will carry over to sid and d-i).
indeed, consider that woody won't ship until early next year in all
liklyhood (if we are rediculously lucky we might get out by october,
but lets face it...) the next release after woody we must assume will
take just as long as woody has so thats a good 2 years or more this
will be used.
Ethan Benson, trying not to sound pessimistic
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