On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 12:09:02PM +0200, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
> On Wed, 16 May 2001, Alan Buxey wrote:
> > > Well, we could split the kernel in 2 and join it in ram: before launching it.
> > > Or we could try for a less than 880Ko modular kernel, but i have not big hopes
> > > on this one. Michel Daenzer is the apus kernel package maintainer for debian.
> > 
> > a small, but brief note:
> > 
> > IS there not a very very big problem with having the kernel in ram: when
> > launching?
> > 
> > joining two files up into ram: is no problem (6 lines of code max.) but
> > doesnt ram: just get completely trashed when the bootstrap loads up the
> > kernel (and thus corrupting the kernel image?)
> No, the bootstrap first allocates memory for the kernel (and the ramdisk), then
> loads the image, and only then trashes the rest.
> > i thought this was the case and people have to have the installer and
> > kernel on media, rather than in volatile ram:
> The only problem is that people might not have enough memory for both RAM: and
> kernel/ramdisk.

huh, how much is this ? i guess most apus users have at least 8MB by now, is
that not enough ? Let's start a query on sourceforge to have an idea ?

Or maybe we could clone the linux/m68k registry pages to say only apus and
have them on sourceforge ? what do you think geert ?


Sven Luther

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