On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 04:49:26PM +0200, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
> On Tue, 15 May 2001, Sven LUTHER wrote:
> > On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 03:15:14PM +0100, Alan Buxey wrote:
> > > > Don't you need some part of AmigaOS to make a floppy bootable?
> > > 
> > > no, and yes.  Under AmigaOS you run 'install df0:' but this doesnt
> > > put any files onto the disk as such, it just writes a bootblock
> > > (a few hundred bytes) to the floppy. Theres no reason why we couldnt have
> > > an AmigaOS bootblock and write it to disk with 'dd' 
> But the bootblock is code. Of course we can reverse engineer and clean room
> reimplement one (IIRC it justs opens dos.library and returns 1 or 0).
> > but you do get access to the CLI if i remember well, isn't it ?
> Yep. But it's quite useless without real commands on the disk :-)

Well, but it could call the ami/apus boot launching script. We could even have
a (self written) little ask and choose program, or could that be done with
just a script ?

> > > theres no issue of copyright with bootable floppies. PD software has been
> > > on such things for years.  I guess as a last resort we can create a
> > > bootable emegency floppy, compact it into ADF format and then it can go
> > > onto the CD - and users can make it themselves from under AmigaOS with
> > > transADF and the like?
> > 
> > why not a plain gzipped tarball or lha archive ?
> Because it's easier to mess up things with tar/lha than with ADF or DMS?
> Alternatively, let them use gunzip and dd :-)

anything you feel best.


Sven Luther

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