
> You can visit http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot-0104/msg00846.html
> to read a message I sent to the list after testing the installation of
> a cd-set with cvs version of boot-floppies.

BTW, I still don't understand why the woody/main/disks-i386 directory
contains a boot floppy which is unusable.

> What we are doing at our site (ceu.fi.udc.es & gpul.org) is build two
> cd sets, one with the broken floppies and other one with potato
> floppies, so that they can install and then upgrade, like they had
> been doing before, of course we only burn the woody-bootingpotato
> version of the cds to the people, the others... well, some time in the
> future.
What is the ETA for releasing woody? :)

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