Hi all

I've just started looking at the boot floppies and I am unclear on this.
As a Debian developer to I have write access to the CVS repository, and
if so, should I send patches here or apply them myself?

I have attached a patch that creates an install_depends to complement
check_depends, as well as laying the code out slightly more clearly.


Index: make/checks
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/boot-floppies/make/checks,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 checks
--- make/checks 2001/04/08 07:33:39     1.4
+++ make/checks 2001/04/08 23:28:22
@@ -28,16 +28,34 @@
                ( echo loop device support needed ; exit 1 )
 # are our depends satisfied?  (e.g., for people using CVS)
+check_depends install_depends:
        @echo checking boot-floppies dependancies
        @perl -e \
-         '$$_=`sed -n s/^Depends://Ip debian/control`."$(depends_checks)"; \
-          $$/="\n\n"; y/,/ /; s/\(.*?\)//g; @M{split()}=""; while (<>) { \
+         'my $$install_missing = "$@" eq "install_depends"; \
+          $$_=`sed -n s/^Depends://Ip debian/control`."$(depends_checks)"; \
+          $$/="\n\n"; y/,/ /; s/\(.*?\)//g; @M{split()}=""; \
+          while (<>) { \
             /^Status: \S+ \S+ installed$$/ms or next; \
             delete $$M{$$1} if /^Package: (\S+)/ms; \
             delete @M{split(/ *, */,$$1)} if /^Provides: (.+?)$$/ms; \
-          } foreach my $$m (keys %M) { print "  didn'\''t find $$m\n" } \
-          exit 1 if %M' /var/lib/dpkg/status
+          } \
+          my @to_install; \
+          my $$package; \
+          foreach my $$m (keys %M) { \
+              print "  didn'\''t find $$m\n"; \
+              if ($$install_missing) { \
+                  ($$package = $$m) =~ s/glibc-pic/libc6-pic/; \
+                  push @to_install, $$package; \
+              } \
+          } \
+          if (%M) { \
+              unshift @to_install, "apt-get", "install"; \
+              unshift @to_install, "$(ROOTCMD)" if "$(ROOTCMD)"; \
+              exit system(@to_install) >> 8 \
+                  if $$install_missing; \
+              print "Run make install_depends to install missing packages\n"; \
+              exit 1; \
+          }' /var/lib/dpkg/status
 ifneq ($(tools_checks), )

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