
I believe that this is caused by a bug in libfdisk.  It does not
add hdg to the fdisk_disks list because the device_blocks[] array
does not contain the proper information for the hdg, hdh, hdi, or
hdj drives.  The device number for hdg is 34 << 8, by using the
information in device_blocks it is 33 << 8 + 128.  Since it isn't
in this table, it isn't added to the list of drives, hence isn't
displayed as an option.

The following patch should fix support for hdg and hdh, and add
support for hdi and hdj (it was already in place for hdk and hdl).


Index: utilities/libfdisk/fdisk.c
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/boot-floppies/utilities/libfdisk/fdisk.c,v
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -u -r1.52 fdisk.c
--- utilities/libfdisk/fdisk.c  2001/03/24 22:04:47     1.52
+++ utilities/libfdisk/fdisk.c  2001/04/06 03:10:27
@@ -520,11 +520,13 @@
     { 21 << 8,   2, 64 },      /* mfma     - mfmb      */
     { 22 << 8,   2, 64 },      /* hdc      - hdd       */
     { 28 << 8,  16, 16 },      /* ada      - adp       */
-    { 33 << 8,   4, 64 },      /* hde      - hdh       */
+    { 33 << 8,   2, 64 },      /* hde      - hdf       */
+    { 34 << 8,   2, 64 },      /* hdg      - hdh       */
     { 36 << 8,   4, 64 },      /* eda      - edd       */
     { 44 << 8,  16, 16 },      /* ftla     - ftlp      */
     { 45 << 8,   4, 16 },      /* pdaa     - pdad      */
     { 48 << 8, 256,  8 },      /* rd/c0d0  - rd/c8d31  */
+    { 56 << 8,   2, 64 },      /* hdi      - hdj       */
     { 57 << 8,   2, 64 },      /* hdk      - hdl       */
     { 65 << 8, 112, 16 },      /* sdq      - sddx      */
     { 72 << 8, 128, 16 },      /* ida/c0d0 - ida/c7d15 */

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