The patch is just here so I don't have to explain so much, I'll commit it,
possibly with modifications, depending on peoples thoughts.

The new install system can easily give people the option of immediately
installing stable/testing or unstable. 

-gives the theoretical person with a slow modem connection the option of
installing unstable immediately rather than needing to install stable and then
-debootstrap supports it, why not give people the option, I like it that
Debian will allow you to do what you want, warn you a lot sometimes, but in the end
doesn't stand in your way.
-the brave souls who choose to install testing will help us to insure
testing is more or less always in a bootstrappable state.

-providing support for people trying to install testing/unstable might be a
-even with all the warnings I put in, someone might install unstable without
meaning to, sad users is not good.

By the way, even if this discussion isn't all that important for boot-floppies
since it is being end of lifed, debian-installer has the same option, I wonder
what people think.


Index: extract_base.c
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/boot-floppies/utilities/dbootstrap/extract_base.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.21.2.5 extract_base.c
--- extract_base.c      2001/03/04 08:20:52
+++ extract_base.c      2001/03/17 18:42:42
@@ -81,15 +81,27 @@
  * progress_execlog should not print so much that we print out of the box.
  *     This is ugly but it may be hard to know where we are going to wordwrap. 
  * figure out how to handle initial reboot.
+ * would like to set defaults on warnings differently.
-#define BASE_ON_CD     0
-#define BASE_ON_NET    1
 debootstrap_extract_base (void) {
+  int rs;
   struct stat statbuf;
+  char *suite;
+  char *msg=_("Please choose the pool you would like to install your bases system 
+from.  It is strongly recommended that you choose \"stable\".");
+  char *title=_("Select a Distribution");
+#define SUITE_STABLE   100
+#define SUITE_TESTING  101
+#define SUITE_UNSTABLE         102
+#define NUM_CHOICES    3
+  struct d_choices choices[] = {
+      { _("stable"),  _("aka. \"potato\" - strongly recommended"), SUITE_STABLE },
+      {_("testing"), _("aka. \"woody\" - somewhat tested, not recommended"), 
+      {_("unstable"), _("aka. \"sid\" dangerous and not well tested"), SUITE_UNSTABLE 
+  };
   /* Sanity Check */
   if (NAME_ISREG ("/target/etc/debian_version", &statbuf)) {
@@ -105,6 +117,33 @@
   if ( choose_medium() ) return 1;
+  rs=menuBox(msg, title, choices, NUM_CHOICES, 1); 
+  switch(choices[rs].state){
+      case SUITE_STABLE:
+         {
+             suite="potato";
+             break;
+         }
+      case SUITE_TESTING:
+         {
+             suite="woody";
+             if (yesNoBox(_("You have chosen to install the \"testing\" distribution. 
+This distribution contains packages that are still being evaluated.  Bugs do exist 
+and some of them may be serious.  Unless you have a specific need you should say 
+\"no\" and choose the \"stable\" distribution. Are you sure you want to do this?"), 
+_("Warning")) == DLG_NO)
+                 return DLG_CANCEL;
+             break;
+         }
+      case SUITE_UNSTABLE:
+         {
+             suite="sid";
+             if (yesNoBox(_("You have chosen to install the unstable distribution. 
+This distribution contains new packages, some of which have not been tested at all.  
+If you proceed down this path you may end up with an unbootable system.  Bugs do 
+certainly exist and some of them may be extremely serious. Unless you have a specific 
+need you should say \"no\" and choose the \"stable\" distribution.  Are you sure you 
+want to do this?"), _("Warning")) == DLG_NO)
+                 return DLG_CANCEL;
+             break;
+         }
+      default:
+         return -1;
+  }
   if (!strcmp (Archive_Dir, "netfetch"))
@@ -138,7 +177,8 @@
        snprintf(prtbuf, sizeof prtbuf, 
-               "/usr/sbin/debootstrap woody /target http://%s:%d/%s", 
+               "/usr/sbin/debootstrap %s /target http://%s:%d/%s", 
+               suite,
@@ -147,7 +187,8 @@
       /* archive is on the filesystem */
                snprintf(prtbuf, sizeof prtbuf, 
-               "/usr/sbin/debootstrap woody /target %s", 
+               "/usr/sbin/debootstrap %s /target %s",
+               suite,

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