On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 12:32:06AM +0100, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> What cvs module? debian-installer?

Jejeje... tu por aki

Read the attachment.



Jesus Climent | Helsinki, Finland
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                ...Linus Torvalds

CVS and boot-floppies Sources

You can access the boot-floppies using CVS; this is particularly
useful if you are actively working on the package.

CVS comes with excellent documentation; in particular, see the `cvs'
info pages, and "Open Source Development with CVS", a GPL book freely
available online, at <URL:http://cvsbook.red-bean.com/>.  (There is a
Debian package of it, called "cvsbook".)

There are various ways to access the CVS repository for boot-floppies,
depending on your circumstances.  However, once you've set up your
CVSROOT variable properly, all the access methods behave almost much

There is a web interface for CVS, which is great for browsing the commit
logs, pulling diffs from the repository, and getting a good look at
the layout of the module.  It can be accessed via:

The following are POSIX bourne shell commands you can run to get the
CVS area; other shell users should be able to translate to their shell
language easily.  Commands with a `#' are comments; you don't have to
type those.

   # If you are logged into to cvs.debian.org (CNAME va.debian.org):
   export CVSROOT=/cvs/debian-boot

   # If you are using `ssh' to access the area, and you have an
   # account on cvs.debian.org -- this is the recommended method:
   export CVS_RSH=ssh
   export CVSROOT=:ext:<MY-USERNAME>@cvs.debian.org:/cvs/debian-boot

   # If you are using anonymous (readonly) access:
   export CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/debian-boot
   cvs login
   # You will be prompted for a password -- just hit `Enter'.

   # If you are using a pserver account (i.e., you need write access
   # but do not have a login account, and you have been given a
   # pserver username and password):
   export CVSROOT=:pserver:<USERNAME>@cvs.debian.org:/cvs/debian-boot
   cvs login
   # Enter the password you have been given.

After that, all techniques are the same.  Simply check out the
sources.  For the lastest (possibly unstable) version, do:

   cvs co boot-floppies

For the slink CVS branch, which is probably what you are using if you
are working on translating slink documentation:

   cvs co -r adam-boot-floppies_2-1_branch boot-floppies

>From there, you can use `cvs update -d -P' (the '-d -P"'is to get new
directories, and prune empty directories), `cvs commit', `cvs diff',
and `cvs status' -- see the info pages.  If you do not have write
access to the repository, and have made modifications that you would
like us to incorporate, please mail the `cvs diff -u' output along
with a brief description of what the patch does to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  It is helpful if you put "[patch]" in
the subject line.

Please try to make meaningful commit log entries that describe
something fairly specific about what changes you have made.  It is
best to commit one file at a time, or group them logically, so that
modifications to several files that pertain to fixing one particular
bug or add a certain feature contain a log message that is relevant
for that file, without cruft about unrelated changes to unrelated
files.  A massive commit of 15 files with a common log entry that
says "blah changes that fix bugs, C-u M-! fortune" are not very
useful later on when you are trying to find out when a certain change
happened.  The log entry should describe what's been changed, so that
later on maintainers do not have to parse every single diff to find
one simple modification.  You should be able to scan the log and
narrow down the search based on what's written there.  There is a
good discussion of this in the GNU `Standards' info document, under
"Documenting Programs", "Change Logs".  `Standards' is considered
required reading.

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