Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> Erik Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I would prefer using a busybox package.  Otherwise, I will again end
> > up with the painful task of keeping two CVS trees in sync...  The
> > busybox package has been ready to upload for months, but thus far
> > noone has pursued getting the new "installer" section added to the
> > archive.
> Getting sections added to the Debian archive sometimes takes years to
> happen.
> I suggest we find a better way.  Why can't you simply provide, hmm,
> /usr/lib/busybox/bin/ and a script which could be run to make symlinks
> from that into /usr/bin/ at user request?  Or we could even just put
> /usr/lib/busybox/bin on the path or something.

We could just start a page on sourceforge and put stuff there, then when
things are organised in the archives (years later) move them back to


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