On 1/19/23 06:24, RobJE wrote:
On 19-01-2023 11:36, gene heskett wrote:
I see it being updated on my banana pi m5's, but it has no man page.
Its apparently not an editor, so what is it?

without knowing the details of the installed OS, etc. my first guess would be the open-source version of vscode aka vscodium


Cheers, Gene Heskett.

Rob J. Epping

Uptodate armbian, your sid for arm64's these days. And Marlin for 3d printers indicates vscode is the preferred build tool. I refuse to contaminate my system with M$ code.

So I've not been successful at building marlin with the tools available, besides klipper is a better tool, and I've been able to build klipper dozens of times using platform.io. If its supposed to be an opensource version of visual studio, whyintunket does it not say so? Boggles my mind. Needs a real manpage for starters.

Thank you Rob. Take care and say well.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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