On 12/28/22 22:41, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
On Wed, Dec 28, 2022 at 4:17 PM gene heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:
But its dfu-util is truly ancient at version 0.9
version 0.10 has been available for several years if I read ticket dates
on sourceforge correctly.
dfu-util-v0.9 on a banana pi m5, cannot do any dfu-utils duties. sudo
dfu-util -l only lists the authors, no dfu capable devices on the bpi5
Where can I get version 0.10? Or 0.11 if that is out?
The search results for "armbian package search" suck. The only hit is
a static page at https://www.armbian.com/kernel/ .
An 'apt-cache show dfu-util' shows some information, but not the
upstream source code repository.
It looks like Debian's dfu-util package page at
https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/dfu-util says
dfu-util.sourceforge.net, but I am not sure how accurate it is for
Armbian. The Sourceforge pasy says the current release is 0.11.
I'm the OP and what is in the recent armbian they claim is debian
testing is 0.9, years old, and apparently hasn't a clue how to work with
usb-3 ports like the bpi5 has 4 of. Yet octoprint works just fine thru
the same port and cabling. Mutter.
Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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