On 10/27/22 20:31, gene heskett wrote:
On 10/27/22 14:21, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
On Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 01:55:16PM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
Greetings all;
My 3d printer farm is out of business, all the rock64's died, as in
no hdmi
video anymore, and the rock64's weren't
that great due to extreme interference between the video and usb
activity. I
can still log into them and can run
stuff from here, but its a bit useless to try and run a 3d printer
from out
of sight 3 rooms away.
So I have a question for your arm folks, as I have a 4 pack of the
4gig bannana pi's on order.
No idea: probably.
Can it can now run an xfce4 desktop, just like an rpi4b, giving good
for octoprint?
If it can, a URL for the latest image would be very appreciated.
That's the image from Radxa - you are on your own. No idea about
or whether you'll have to compile/build that for yourself.
Although Debian has various images for rk3399 =
I've no idea whether any of these will work. As ever, this *isn't*
Debian and
any support any of us can give is only best endeavours at best.
thanks Andy. From the Readme , it sounds like I ought to be able to
concoct something. OctoPrint is all python, and runs
in a python venv as if its on a real pi. So If I've good video on the
reboot, I should be in high clover.
When the bananna pi's get here, middle of next month.
Thank you.
In the meantime, I found I had a slightly newer armbian xz, put it on
the u-sd and just now made the
network work again. The other one was based on ubu's jammy, This ones on
our sid. Video is still noisy
as can be, but its running. So in another day, I might get both going
again. That link to the rockpi version
wouldn't even try to boot on these old, original rock64's They were new
in 2016.
Thanks Andy.
Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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