On 2/11/22 13:28, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
On Jo, 10 feb 22, 17:45:27, Philippe Clérié wrote:

I think *armel* may get another few
years reprieve since Debian based its Pi OS on *armel* instead of *armhf*.
(A rather surprising decision!)

Might there be some confusion here?

Debian doesn't have a "Pi OS" and it was rather unfortunate the first
Raspberry Pi was launched *after* the baseline for Debian's armhf was
already decided. The only pure Debian that would work on the Raspberry
Pi was armel.

That is why Raspbian (the predecessor of Raspberry Pi OS from the
Raspberry Pi Foundation) was born, it was basically Debian's armhf
recompiled for the first Raspberry Pi.

You can follow the state of Debian architectures at

At the moment it looks good for bookworm, though it's still early in the
release cycle and even so, support for specific hardware might be
dropped for independent reasons.

Kind regards,

My apologies for the confusion. *Pi OS* here was meant as a shortcut for the *official* distribution of Debian for the Raspberry Pi. Which I am using by the way.


The trouble with common sense it that it is so uncommon.

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