Greetings! There seems to be a subarchitecture within the current 32bit Debian arm universes and buildds. armv8 processors will leave the C stack start at 0xffffffff even when personality ADDR_LIMIT_3GB is set, whereas on armv7 the address starts at 0xbfffffff, as on other 32bit linux machines.
Is this a bug? Are there other (perhaps gcc?) switches which can match the armv7 behavior on armv8 machines (e.g. running a armel or armhf chroot?) Right now gcl binaries compiled on armv7 will not run on armv8 in a 32bit chroot because of this. Only workaround I see at the moment is to cripple all gcl 32bit arm binaries and remove immediate fixnum addresses which should go above 0xc0000000. Thanks so much, -- Camm Maguire ========================================================================== "The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens." -- Baha'u'llah