The common believe that on the same hardware 64-bit must be
better or equal to 32-bit is clearly wrong for the "crazy"
BCM2711 chip used in Pi4.
The detailed benchmarks for Raspian Buster are at 32 Bit
Kernel 4.19 <> and 64 Bit Kernel 5.4.
<> showing for calculation AES 16KB  50%
less throughput for 64-bit.

On my system I get similar results e.g. for AES-128 (16KB):
    Salsa Buster arm64     5.9.0   42'000
    Ubuntu LTS armv7l      5.4      92'000
When playing a FullHD video coded H265, the average CPU load
is 80% on 64-bit and less than 30% on 32-bit!
Similar situations when encoding to H265 using ffmpeg .


On 02.03.21 21:30, Arnd Bergmann wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2021 at 7:51 PM LinAdmin <> wrote:
>>> There is really no good reason to run a 32-bit /kernel/ on the Pi 4,
>>> especially the version
>>> with 8GB RAM. While the bug should get fixed in principle to make the
>>> default kernel
>>> work and allow installing a 32-bit distro, the best setup for this
>>> machine (especially
>>> the versions with less than 4GB) is to use an armhf user space with a
>>> 64-bit kernel.
>> Benchmarking shows that the Pi4 with 32 bit kernel has about
>> double performance compared to 64 bit kernel!!!
> Can be more specific about what benchmarks and who ran them?
> This seems highly unlikely.
>        Arnd

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