try sudo apt-get install xinit
but it may be a non-graphics (minimal) version meant for headless use.
I've converted them before, start installing some big GUI stuff like
Firefox or Gimp, eventually you'll get it.

Or maybe it's set up for wayland.

On 2/23/21, martin <> wrote:
> This morning I downloaded this image 20210210_raspi_4_buster.img from
> and installed it on a sdcard. All
> looks well in console mode, so I installed KDE and did run adduser to
> create a normal user. But now I cannot find out how to boot into
> graphics mode. There is no good old startx but the sddm login is in
> /etc/init.d. I tried to start it but I don't get any reaction. So my
> question is:
> How do I boot into graphics mode?
> Thanks in advance,
> Martin.

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