On vrijdag 19 februari 2021 18:03:34 CET Pete Batard wrote:
> I agree that, without OP clarifying, this is open to interpretation.

That was my point, which resulted in: let's give OP as many options as 
possible so he can choose for himself.

> As the provider of a custom image, I can understand why you would read
> this like a critique

My point was don't assume so much (and shoot down options bc of that).

My goal is to get Debian Bullseye in the best possible shape in general and 
RPi related things in particular. Because of that I made some (minor) 
contributions. You're highly inflating my involvement/contribution to those 
images. And they're made/provided by Gunnar Wolf, not me.
There is a RPi related project which you could call 'mine', but as of right 
now it neither supports RPi4 nor (pure) Debian thus also not Debian Bullseye, 
so I didn't bring that up as that clearly didn't fulfill OP's requirements.

I think 'your' project is interesting and if it's exactly what OP was looking 
for: great. I also think your enthusiasm for 'your' project is great, that's 
usually how most progress in FLOSS is achieved :-)
But different people have different wants/needs and (possibly related) 
skill sets, resulting in different solution being right for person A than for 
person B.
So don't shoot down other solutions if you aren't or can't be certain they're 


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