Paul Wise dijo [Sat, Feb 13, 2021 at 10:14:34AM +0800]:
> (...)
> > On a related topic, what would it take to make the Pine Debian
> > installs more nicely packaged, like the Raspbian installs? (Thanks,
> > Gunnar!)
> There are too many different SBCs to make individual images for each
> platform a viable strategy. I think the only reason there are RPi
> images is that the hardware is popular and the community around it
> expects available images rather than running an installer on-device.

Thanks for the explicit mention! However, the fact you singled me out
by name gives part of the answer -- And while I completely agree with
what Paul said and would have written the same (and that's the reason
I'm answering to his mail rather than to yours), I think this should
be said explicitly:

The Raspberry images are *not* official Debian images. Yes, they are
as-close-as-it-gets-to-being-so, but they are just a convenience
service run by an individual DD, on his hardware, hosted on his
own. You should *not* trust my images as much as you trust official
Debian projects (I promise not to have trojanized the builds... But
should you trust me? Or my computer?)

Anyway, I think it makes sense to ship built images for major, widely
available hardware. And if the images didn't need non-free firmware to
begin the boot process, I'd probably be pushing for them to become
official Debian builds!

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