Dear All,

What do you know about Armbian?  What do you think?

Is there any overlap between the Debain ARM people on this list
and the Armbian developers?

I recently bought an ODROID-HC1 to use as a basic NAS.  It's an
interesting board with an Exynos Coretex-A15 SoC and Ethernet
and SATA connectors, and a nice mechanical design for a single-
disk NAS.  Typically for ODROID it has manufacturer support
for only Ubuntu and Android, so I looked for good ways to
install Debian.  There is a DebianOn wiki page but it's very
convoluted.  For the first time I decided to try Armbian.

Very briefly, Armbian's main strength seems to be that they
have configurations and/or patches for U-Boot, the kernel, and
related stuff for a good selection of ARM boards which are
kept up to date and seem to work pretty reliably.  They have
a build system and infrastructure that seems to rebuild these
as often as needed.  There is also a reasonably responsive
user/developer forum.

Installation involves downloading an SD card (or similar)
image which boots directly into a functioning system (with only
a few first-boot steps like initial user/password setting and
possibly resizing the filesystem to fill the device).  This
reminds me more of how the Debian cloud images work than
Debian Installer.  On devices like the ODROID-HC1 where you
are very likely to have a large disk as well as the boot
device, there is a script to move everything over.

Once installed, the system is almost but not quite regular
Debian.  For example, there are obvious things like a verbose
motd that reports the CPU temperature and more subtle differences
like /var/log being on a RAM disk.  I have been gradually
trying to make the system more "vanilla" but it's not always
clear if there will be side effects from e.g. removing or
disabling these Armbian things.

Debian on ARM does suffer a bit, IMHO, from a lack of
"official" installation support on many of the popular
boards.  So we end up with things like Raspian.  Unlike
Raspian, Armbian has NOT rebuilt the package archive; it
uses official Debain ARM packages.

Anyway, this all makes me wonder if there could or should
be closer collaboration here.  For example, should Debian ARM
be actively steering people towards Armbian as a way to get
Debian onto their ARM boards?  Could, perhaps, we have some
way to launch regular Debian Installer and get a regular
Debian system, after bootstrapping using Armbian?

Any thoughts or experiences to share?

Regards, Phil.

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