Just took a look at the bootlog there, those GPIO failures arnt clever, missing firmware I would take a wild guess that things in the latest kernel tree has changed I did also see an article about newer support for the Pi 4 in the latest kernel ( cant remember if its 5.4 or 5.5 ). Do you use 'make menuconfig'?. the size difference you mention with those errors do point to you not enabling the needful
Looks like 4.19 has been the latest for along time, I would diff your 5.5 config with the 4.19 and see what you have missing / what has moved / changed. A quick google does not yield much so you could be very much on your own / pioneering this one. Hopefully helpful links Someone to perhaps reach out to for info, https://forum.manjaro.org/t/raspberry-pi-4-5-4-1-kernel/114273 5.5 Graphics / better support by all accounts, https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux-55-features&num=1 https://www.linux-arm.info/index.php/1537-linux-5-5-lands-broadcom-bcm2711-raspberry-pi-4-bits again hope this helps Nige On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 5:18 AM basti <mailingl...@unix-solution.de> wrote: > > Hello, > > I have try to build kernel for raspi4 from upstream (5.5-rc3). Kernel > boot but can't find the SD Card, so there is no partition, no root-fs > and end up in initramfs/busybox. > > Log of serial console is attached. I have used U-boot and dtb from > ubuntu image. My dtb build during kernel build is a half size of the > ubuntu one and doesn't work. > > the custom build kernel works on rpi3 out of the box. > > best regards > > p.s. i build it as deb package > > -- “Science is a differential equation. Religion is a boundary condition.” Alan Turing