On 2019-12-12 17:53 +0100, Hector Oron wrote:
> Hello,
>   This is just a heads-up that Ampere has reached out to Debian and
> they are willing to donate some ARM64 server hardware to Debian.
>   Reference datasheet for machines:
>   - 
> https://amperecomputing.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Lenovo_ThinkSystem_HR330A_PB_20190409.pdf
>   - 
> https://amperecomputing.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Lenovo_ThinkSystem_HR350A_20190409.pdf
>   Thoughts, comments?

I have an eMAG desktop machine which probably contains the same/very
similar server board.

I've started a debian-on page for it, but there isn't much info there yet.

With have quite a lot of info on these machines internally so can help
if there are any issues. e.g. there are firmware/BMC updates (which are
not yet currently public, and I've been agitating about that -
hopefully you'll have them on-board already).

It's capable hardware and proper server kit with UEFI and BMC etc, so we should 
like it.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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