On Sunday 28 July 2019 00:27:36 Reco wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 12:13:21AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > > That, and a whole restaraunt sized menu of dpkg stuff for
> > > > building packages is on the missing list.  Grrrrr.
> > >
> > > apt install build-essential
> >
> > I *think* I did that. With synaptic. I gave it quite a list, it took
> > about an hour to install it all on a 100Mb circuit.
> If you're unsure if it's installed or not - you have bigger problems.
> > If it will boot normally I'll make sure.
> Why won't it?

I don't know, its so slow and got so slow It was waiting for MTD for 4 or 
5 minutes, so it was essentially stopped. And with no access to the log 
readers, I've no way to even begin troubleshooting.

> > If not, I've a stretch install with the same old slow video ( about
> > 1.7 fps for glxgearrs full screen ) that otherwise works well.
> It's not a Debian, it's Raspbian.
Maybe, but the net install kernel will never run machinery, its too old, 
just like the video. Since buster was released, raspian made another 
release of buster about a week after yours. But that release 
incorporated the video drivers broadcom threw over the wall at about the 
same time the rp-4 was announced. glxgears runs full screen at 20 fps, 
where a week before it was 1.7 fps. How long will it be before that code 
gets into debian? If ever...

> > > > The user can't even look at dmseg!  How dumb is that?
> > >
Let me correct that, the *first* user can't run it, and because a root pw 
was set, the first user can't even use sudo. And the bugs never stop, an 
su root, enter roots pw, still doesn't fix the path so root can run 
stuff, like blkid.  This is NOT security, its far better described as 
paranoid.  Harass the potential user until he puts a u-sd in it that 
just works. Buster, but compiled by someone who actually wants it to 
work. The problem with that is that they (raspisn|armbien) like a forum.  
And I hate forums with a passion, too limiting in actually carrying on a 
conversation thats educational. A mailing list is 10x more convenient.

Maybe the linuxcnc list has spoiled me, but both the authors of the code, 
and equipment venders are all right there, giving authoritative answers 
to a question, sometimes in 5 minutes or less.

To heck with it, 4 hours past my bedtime. But I forgot to send this. Soi 
now its nearly 07:00 Sunday.

> > > A security feature. If you want that:
> >
> > No Reco, its not security, its harassment of someone who actually
> > wants to do work with it and would like to just get to it.
> It could be implemented better, I agree. Like restricting dmesg to
> members of a certain group instead of current 'root or nothing'
> apporach. But if you have a problem with that - it's called
> reportbug(1).
> Reco

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
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