> So what tools do I use to build an installable kernel deb for a u-boot 
> system?

I'm not sure what you mean.

My BananaPi here uses the stock Debian kernels without any trouble.
Both the vmlinuz and the dtb files are read as-is by U-Boot.
The only thing I need to do is to package the initrd using `mkimage`
(found in `u-boot-tools`).

See the /boot/GNUmakefile I use to help me do that, below


# Make it so that `make` checks the timestamp of symlinks as well.

MACHINE = $(shell set -- $$(tr '\0' '\n' < /proc/device-tree/compatible | sed 
's/.*,//'); echo "$$2-$$1")
VERSION := $(shell ls -l vmlinuz | sed 's/.* -> vmlinuz-//')

LN = ln -sf
CP = cp

all: boot.scr uinitrd.img $(MACHINE).dtb

boot.scr: boot.cmd
        mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d $< $@

uinitrd.img: uinitrd.img-$(VERSION) vmlinuz
        $(LN) "$<" "$@"

uinitrd.img-%: initrd.img-%
        mkimage -A arm -T ramdisk -C none -n uInitrd -d "$<" "$@"

$(MACHINE).dtb: $(MACHINE)-$(VERSION).dtb vmlinuz
        $(LN) "$<" "$@"

$(MACHINE)-$(VERSION).dtb: /usr/lib/linux-image-$(VERSION)/$(MACHINE).dtb
        $(CP) "$<" "$@"

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