Hi Gene!

On 7/3/19 10:42 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Just one of the things its taken over. Now we have a different command to 
> set the hostname too if you want it to stick over a reboot.  Someone a 
> couple weeks ago showed me how to do that for hostname only. I've no 
> clue how it does that because it can do it even if /etc/hostname has 
> been made immutable. In fact I'd call that a major security breech.

Could you move this discussion over to the debian-user mailing list?
As already mentioned by Reco earlier, those questions aren't specific
to ARM.

As for systemd and related stuff, I would recommend reading through the
documentation a bit which explains a lot of these things. I think you
will make faster progress by understanding the concepts rather than asking
for every single problem you are running into.

Regarding why systemd has its own hostname command is simple: The original
Unix hostname command doesn't set the hostname persistently (you had write
the file yourself) and you had to reboot the machine to make sure the new
hostname was propagated everywhere across the system (after writing the file)
which is no longer the case with systemd where these changes are propagated
using dbus which the old hostname command didn't support [1].

The new systemd hostnamectl makes sure other processes are immediately
notified if the hostname gets changed and I think that's something
reasonable to expect. With the old approach, it could happen that after
issuing the hostname command to rename the host, that some processes
still saw the old hostname, so the system got into an inconsistent

In most cases where systemd provides its own solution for a certain feature,
there are actually pretty good technical reasons why that was done. In most
cases, it was necessary because the old Unix version of a command was rather
limited in functionality or had certain design problems.


> [1] 
> https://blog.fpmurphy.com/2014/10/revisiting-the-systemd-d-bus-interface.html

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaub...@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de
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