I get the pw requester, answer it, get the login blurb I assume
from /etc/issue.net, but then no shell prompt in the remote term
emulator, and a ctrl-d is also ignored. Kill the tab is the only way
out. Thinking I had  hit some limit on this machine. or on the pi, I got
exactly the same results from the rock64's keyboard before and after
rebooting the pi.

So whats next?

So you get the password prompt which is actually issued by your SSH client. The two things I'd suggest are (i) if you have one use a shell session on the local console to run something like ps faux | less so you can see whether the ssh daemon's stuck running something. Look in /var/log/messages etc. Try ssh without the -Y then again with the -v option.

Sorry for being concise, but evening passes and I've spent all day on RPi OSes and several nay many days trying to sort out throughput issues... SSH login should /not/ be a problem.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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