Dear all,

(please Cc, not on the list for now)

I am living in Japan and recently got my hands on a device called
        Pomera DM200 [0]
With the help of some Japanese pages [1] [2] I got Debian booting
from the SD card of the device. There are a few pages in English
about it, too [3] [4]

I am now testing several things and playing around with the device,
so I thought I asked whether there is anything you want to know
or what I can do for you?

The device has wlan, bluetooth, can run X.

I am currently on jessie, but contemplating switching to sid (as
Debian Dev I prefer to have my devices on sid ;-)

All the best



PREINING Norbert                     
Accelia Inc.     +    JAIST     +    TeX Live     +    Debian Developer
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