peter green dijo [Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 10:05:12PM +0000]:
> On 13/12/16 21:42, peter green wrote:
> >
> >I would guess at this point either a race condition or a power glitch
> >(maybe powering the HDD off one of the USB ports wasn't such a good idea).
> >
> OK, I found that adding  ahci-imx.hotplug=1 to the kernel command line made
> it work.
> Checking the schematic I notice that the USB ports seem to have power
> control, I wonder if they are power-cycled at some point during the boot
> process.

I have a CuBox-i 4 (not 4x4). It's currently in stable use, and have
not fiddled with it for long (and right now, it sits 7000Km away from
me), but if I recall correctly, any USB media needed for the boot
process (i.e. a keyboard) has to be inserted in the lower port. I know
the issue seems completely different from yours, but this might be an
important point to get your issue properly solved.

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