On 2016-11-22 14:01 +0000, Jo L wrote:
> I was trying bananian 16.04 which is based on Debian Jessie armhf on my
> Banana Pro, and it turned out that the Samba version 4.2.10 I got is pretty
> much outdated.
> Looking at https://packages.debian.org/search?arch=armhf&keywords=samba I
> guess this Is because there is no newer version available for Debian armhf
> in general. 

It's not arm-specific. 4.2.10 is the version is Debian stable:

So this is really a general question for debian-user, and indeed a FAQ
'what do I do if I am running stable but want a newer version of

> Is there any reason to stick to this version? How can I get a
> newer one (not compiling  it myself)?

Stable proposed-updates contains 4.2.14. I don't know how much newer a
version you are loking for. What's the problem with 4.2.10?

It seems that no-one has built a backport for you, so you can chose between:

* Upgrade to testing, which is due to become stable in a few
  months. That will get you 4.4.7.

* Stay on stable but try installing the version from testing. Then you
  will be running a mix of stable and testing, which usually works,
  but can have issues.

* Try installing the 4.5.1 version from experimental

* Try building the testing or experimental versions in stable. (you
  said you didn't want to build anything, but this is actually the
  safest thing to do if you want to keep running stable. The catch is
  that it may not work without some messing about (depending what has

* Ask if someone (normally the maintainer) will do/upload  a backport for 

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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