On 11/8/2016 3:20 AM, Ian Campbell wrote:
> On Mon, 2016-11-07 at 22:57 -0500, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> The only odd thing I see in the syslog at startup are lines indicating
>> eth0 is not found.
> Wild stab in the dark: Perhaps things have remembered the mac address
> of the original (automatically added) device as eth0 and so the virtio
> device has been renamed out of the way, meaning that
> /etc/network/interfaces's references to eth0 don't work?
> Does "ifconfig -a" (as root) show the virtio device with some name
> other than eth0? If so then you might need to edit 
> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to cause it to forget the old
> device.
> Ian.

Hi, Ian, and thanks for the response.

No, the mac address of the original eth0 device was different (and
generated by QEMU).  There was also no difference if I didn't specify a
MAC address for the virtio-net-device.

ifconfig -a shows only the lo device.

Any other ideas?

Thanks again,

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