On Fri, 2016-01-29 at 14:15 -0500, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> > /usr/bin/qemu-system-arm -monitor stdio -M vexpress-a15 -k de -m 512
> > -no-acpi -drive file=/localhome/cpleger/armhf/jessie-armhf.img,if=sd
> -net
> > none -kernel /localhome/cpleger/armhf/vmlinuz -initrd
> > /localhome/cpleger/armhf/initrd.gz -append root=/dev/ram -name
> > "jessie-armhf"
> -dtb /localhome/cpleger/armhf/vexpress-v2p-ca15-tc1.dtb
> > 
> > This, like all attempts before, just results in a blank VM screen.
> You have to use a serial console.  These systems you are emulating do
> not have graphics at all as far as I know.

Speaking of the real hardware QEMU is emulating...

The a9 vexpress has a 'CLCD' display, and it looks like QEMU supports
that: https://wiki.linaro.org/PeterMaydell/QemuVersatileExpress

For the a15-tc1 vexpress, that has a 'HDLCD' display and that quite
probably isn't emulated.

Actually, the vexpress hardware consists of a CPU CoreTile (a9, a15-tc1,
etc) plugged into a motherboard, and the motherboard also has it's own
display of the 'CLCD' type, don't know how much of that setup QEMU
emulates. So, it's possible that removing HDLCD from the a15-tc1
device-tree and leaving the CLCD of the motherboard might get that


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