Hi kirkwood-upstream, We (Debian) have had a couple of reports of I/O errors running Debian on kirkwood, specifically it seems to relate to later kernels (e.g. 4.0+) and I _suspect_ (without proof) that it may be due to the switch from board files to the DTS based kernel, or some change implied by this (e.g. different SATA driver now or timeouts have changed perhaps?).
There are two reports that writing to mdtblock (as a raw device, where the bootloader expects to find the kernel etc) causes SATA to fall apart. Please see this thread: http://mid.gmane.org/< camlx2cqt+2fzfa9_bc0fxlaj1wj+yqujvuthjwn48kgjtjh...@mail.gmail.com> There was an earlier iteration of the same thing as the above: http://mid.gmane.org/<cakzmte1vugjipt8k3vhnup9ahs7zf9wcxoxoo8xfjd-yeh-...@mail.gmail.com> Thanks for any pointers you can give. I've copied the reporters as well as the debian-arm list. @debian-arm: I had the impression there had been more reports than these two/three but I'm not seeing them in my folder, if you know of others then please chime in. Ian.