Am 27.06.2015 um 00:29 schrieb Ian Campbell:
On Fri, 2015-06-26 at 16:27 +0200, Nagel, Peter (IFP) wrote:
Just a hunch, but can you still log-in as install/installer? Perhaps
the kernel/initrd didn't get flashed and you somehow ended up in
debian-installer again?
I've also tried to login as installer (for DHCP and known fixed
IP-Adresses) without success.
Did you try logging in as the regular user which I think d-i will have
prompted you to setup? If that works then from there sudo should be


My problem was that I have done the installation without any user account (using the expert mode) which is a bad idea if ssh is the only connection and root is (by default) not allowed to login via ssh. However, I was able to change the '/PermitRootLogin/' settings within the //etc/sshd_config/ ...

#/PermitRootLogin //|without-password|/
/PermitRootLogin yes/

... which has solved my problem.

Thanks for your feedback,

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