On Sat, 6 Dec 2014 14:44:12 +0000
Neil Williams <codeh...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 5 Dec 2014 23:27:57 -0800
> Erik de Castro Lopo <mle+deb...@mega-nerd.com> wrote:
> > Anybody have access to real #Aarch64 hardware running #Debian?
> Yes. Using LAVA.
> https://staging.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/job/114969/definition
> (That job uses my SSH public key and needs access inside LAVA, but it
> shows the basic structure.)
> Your test simply needs git and build-essential installed.
> > If so I would appreciate it if you could clone this git repo, read
> > the Readme.d, run the test:
> > 
> >     CC=gcc-4.9 make clean check
> > 
> > and let me know the results. If your Aarch64 machine is already
> > connected to the 'net and has gcc-4.9 installed, the test shouldn't
> > take more than 5 minutes to run.
> I got the same results as your qemu.
> I'll create a test definition which gives you the full log without
> needing special access ... 


> > The repo is at :
> > 
> >      https://github.com/erikd/gcc-aarch64-optimization-bug
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.

What you can do from here is:

0: inspect the job definition:

1: clone my test repo from that file
git clone

2: Modify debian/gcc-aarch64-optimization.yaml

3: git push just that file or the rest to a git repo to which you have
write access.

4: Tell me the clone path for that repo and whether you moved the file
or kept it the same. e.g. it is worth adding a command to run
ntpdate-debian and adding ntpdate to the list of package deps to

5: I can re-submit the job using your test definition (repeatedly, if

6: lots of documentation here:

7: You can also download the rootfs I'm using and modify that - upload
it somewhere and tell me where LAVA can find it.

If there is a lot more to do for this investigation, I can look at
giving you submit permissions for this device.



Neil Williams

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