On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:09 AM, Jerry Stuckle <jstuc...@attglobal.net>wrote:
> > 500Mhz ARM (faster is better), > 512Mb RAM (1GB would be better), > 100MB Ethernet, > SD/Micro SD card 4G or greater (a second slot would be nice so one for > software, one for data), > 1 SPI, > 3-4 GPIO. > Video/USB keyboard/mouse are optional but could be used for development. > Once installed, the system will be remote, accessed by ethernet (TCP/IP). > > Client would like to keep the cost below $50 US in quantity (i.e. > 250-1000). > I like my BeagleBone Black. It's supported by Debian: https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/TargetedHardware best regards, Levy S.