The two that come to my mind are the BeagleBone Black and the Cubieboard,
both around the $50 mark.  Both run Raspbian, if that is good enough for
your needs.

Jerry Gagnon

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 5:13 PM, Jerry Stuckle <>wrote:

> Hi again, all,
> Well, it looks like for several reasons the RaspberryPi won't work for
> this project.  Can anyone recommend other ARM-based boards which run Wheezy
> well?
> This is going to be a used as a monitor/controller, so major speed isn't a
> factor.  It will mainly be using SPI and GPIO ports, plus ethernet for
> communications.  Other things like graphics, USB ports, etc. are not
> important for this project (but their presence doesn't rule the board out).
> Also the ability to run their ARM version of Wheezy under QEMU is
> important for development.
> I appreciate any recommendations.
> Jerry
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Jerry Gagnon

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