Hector Oron wrote:
Hello Peter,
I have been trying to find a reference on which checks runs Raspbian
on binaries to verify those are properly built for armv6hf. Also, I
think I have already asked you such question, could you please remind
me about those?
It's pretty crude, basically we unpack them, run the contents through
readelf and look for armv7 tags. This is NOT perfect suffering from both
false positives (mostly armv7 code that is only used conditionally) and
false negatives (mostly jits, also build processes that don't correctly
tag binaries) but it keeps the bulk of the breakage out.
We have a few variants of the script, a basic one designed for
standalone use, a verbose one designed for tracking down the problems
reported by the basic one and one designed for use on a buildd. I've
attached them (note: there are four files attached because the buildd
version is in two parts).
Regarding Raspbian for Jessie, would it be nice to add a new
"unofficial" architecture in proper Debian (arm6hf), would that be
suitable and benefit Raspbian porters?
As i've said before my understanding is that debian architecture names
represent a CPU family and ABI. Minium CPU requirements have been
changed both by derivatives (e.g. ubuntu i386 went first to requiring
"586" and then "686") and within debian (e.g. debian i386 went to
requiring 486)
Much as I do wish debian would improve support for variants with
adjusted minium CPU requirements (and I intend to make a suggestion to
the gcc maintainers about that, I just haven't got arround it it yet) I
don't think a new architecture name is the way to go.
# buildd-checker: packages processor for buildd
# Copyright © 2012 Mike Thompson <mpthomp...@gmail.com>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Buildd qw(unlock_file);
use Buildd::Conf qw();
use Buildd::Checker;
use Sbuild::OptionsBase;
my $conf = Buildd::Conf::new();
exit 1 if !defined($conf);
my $options = Sbuild::OptionsBase->new($conf, "buildd-checker", "1");
exit 1 if !defined($options);
my $checker = Buildd::Checker->new($conf);
exit 1 if !defined($checker);
my $status = $checker->run();
exit $status;
unlock_file($conf->get('HOME') . "/buildd-checker")
if (defined($conf) &&
defined($checker) &&
defined($checker->get('Checker Lock')) &&
$checker->get('Checker Lock'));
# buildd-check: package processor for buildd
# Copyright © 1998 Roman Hodek <roman.ho...@informatik.uni-erlangen.de>
# Copyright © 2009 Roger Leigh <rle...@debian.org>
# Copyright © 2005 Ryan Murray <rmur...@debian.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package Buildd::Checker;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Buildd qw(lock_file unlock_file exitstatus);
use Buildd::Conf qw();
use Buildd::Base;
use Sbuild qw(binNMU_version $devnull);
use Sbuild::ChrootRoot;
use Buildd::Client;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use Exporter ();
our (@ISA, @EXPORT);
@ISA = qw(Exporter Buildd::Base);
@EXPORT = qw();
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $conf = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($conf);
bless($self, $class);
$self->set('Checker Lock', undef);
return $self;
sub run {
my $self = shift;
$self->set('Checker Lock',
lock_file("$main::HOME/buildd-checker", 1));
if (!$self->get('Checker Lock')) {
$self->log("exiting; another buildd-checker is still running");
return 1;
return 0;
sub process_build() {
my $self = shift;
my $bdir = shift;
chdir( "$main::HOME/$bdir" ) || return;
# Get the list of .changes files in the build directory.
lock_file( "$main::HOME/$bdir" );
my( $f, @before, @tested, @failed, @dirty );
foreach $f (<*.changes>) {
push( @before, $f );
unlock_file( "$main::HOME/$bdir" );
# Check if nothing to do.
if (!@before) {
$self->log("Nothing to do for $bdir\n");
$self->log(scalar(@before), " jobs to test in $bdir:\n");
foreach $f (@before) {
$self->log(" " . $f . "\n");
# Test each changes file in the /build directory.
foreach $f (@before) {
if ( -f $f ) {
if ($self->test_changes($f)) {
push(@tested, $f);
} else {
push(@failed, $f);
push(@dirty, $f);
$self->log(scalar(@tested), " jobs to upload in $bdir:\n");
foreach $f (@tested) {
$self->log(" " . $f . "\n");
# Prepare each tested file for upload that passed in the build directory.
foreach $f (@tested) {
if ( -f $f ) {
if (!$self->prepare_for_upload($f)) {
push(@failed, $f);
# Move each dirty file to the dirty directory.
foreach $f (@dirty) {
if ( -f $f ) {
if (@failed) {
$self->log(scalar(@failed), " jobs failed to be processed in $bdir:\n");
foreach $f (@failed) {
$self->log(" " . $f . "\n");
} else {
$self->log("All jobs processed successfully.\n");
$self->write_stats("tested", scalar(@before) - scalar(@failed));
sub test_changes ($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $f = shift;
$self->log("Testing: " . $f . "\n");
# Flag that indicates the packages are v7clean.
my $v7clean = 1;
my( @files, @md5, @debs, $d, $p, $t );
if (!open( F, "<$f" )) {
$self->log("Cannot open $f: $!\n");
return 0;
my $changes;
{ local($/); undef $/; $changes = <F>; }
close( F );
$changes =~ s/\n+$/\n/;
# Get the source and version.
if ($changes !~ /^Source:\s*(\S+)(?:\s+\(\S+\))?\s*$/m) {
$self->log("$f doesn't have a Source: field\n");
return 0;
my $source = $1;
if ($changes !~ /^Version:\s*(\S+)\s*$/m) {
$self->log("$f doesn't have a Version: field\n");
return 0;
my $version = $1;
my $pkg = "${source}_$version";
# Get the files.
$changes =~ /^Files:\s*\n((^[ ]+.*\n)*)/m;
foreach (split( "\n", $1 )) {
push( @md5, (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[1] );
push( @files, (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[5] );
if (!@files) { # probably not a valid changes
$self->log("$f doesn't have a valid File: field\n");
return 0;
# We are only interested in the .deb & .udeb files.
foreach $p (@files) {
if ($p =~ /.u?deb$/) {
push(@debs, $p);
# Check if nothing to do.
if (!@debs) {
$self->log("No packages to process for $f\n");
return 1;
# Create a temp directory to unpack the packages.
($t = $f) =~ s/\.changes$/\.check/;
if (system "mkdir " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$t") {
$self->log("Cannot create temp directory build/$t\n");
return 0;
# Test each package within the temp directory.
foreach $d (@debs) {
if (!$self->test_package($t, $d)) {
$v7clean = 0;
$self->log("ARMv7 WARNING: $d\n");
# Remove the temp directory.
if (system "rm -rf " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$t") {
$self->log("Cannot remove temp directory build/$t\n");
return 0;
return $v7clean;
sub test_package ($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $tmpdir = shift;
my $deb = shift;
# Flag that indicates the package is v7clean.
my $v7clean = 1;
# Unpack the archive into the temp directory.
my $savedir = cwd;
chdir $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$tmpdir";
if (system "ar x " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$deb") {
$self->log("Cannot extract debian archive build/$deb\n");
chdir $savedir;
return 0;
chdir $savedir;
# Create a data directory.
if (system "mkdir " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$tmpdir/data") {
$self->log("Cannot create temp data directory build/$tmpdir/data\n");
return 0;
# Handle extracting the tar archive.
if ( -f $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$tmpdir/data.tar.gz" ) {
system "tar xzf " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$tmpdir/data.tar.gz " .
"-C " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$tmpdir/data";
} elsif ( -f $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$tmpdir/data.tar.bz2" ) {
system "tar xjf " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$tmpdir/data.tar.bz2 " .
"-C " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$tmpdir/data";
} elsif ( -f $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$tmpdir/data.tar.xz" ) {
system "tar xJf " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$tmpdir/data.tar.xz " .
"-C " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$tmpdir/data";
} else {
$self->log("Unrecognized compression formation for data file.\n");
return 0;
# Use find and file to get the type for each file in the scan.
my $dirscan;
# Create a list of all files to be tested.
if (!open( F, "find " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$tmpdir/data" .
" -exec file {} \\; |" )) {
$self->log("Cannot open find command: $!\n");
return 0;
{ local($/); undef $/; $dirscan = <F>; }
# Parse the dirscan data.
my ( @files, @info );
foreach (split("\n", $dirscan)) {
push(@files, (split(/:/, $_))[0]);
push(@info, (split(/:/, $_))[1]);
# Loop over each line.
for (my $c = 0; $c < @files && $v7clean; $c++) {
# Look for lines that are executable binaries.
if ($info[$c] =~ /ELF|ar archive/) {
# Now test the file.
if (!$self->test_file($files[$c])) {
$v7clean = 0;
# Clean up all package files in the temp directory.
if (system "rm -rf " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$tmpdir/*") {
$self->log("Cannot clean directory build/$tmpdir\n");
return 0;
return $v7clean;
sub test_file ($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $filescan;
# Call readelf on the file to be tested.
if (!open( F, "readelf -A " . $file . " |" )) {
$self->log("Cannot open readelf command: $!\n");
return 0;
{ local($/); undef $/; $filescan = <F>; }
# Look for the "Tag_CPU_arch: v7" string.
if ($filescan =~ /Tag_CPU_arch:\s+v7/) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub prepare_for_upload ($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $f = shift;
$self->log("Processing: " . $f . "\n");
my( @files, @md5, @missing, @md5fail, $i );
if (!open( F, "<$f" )) {
$self->log("Cannot open $f: $!\n");
return 0;
my $changes;
{ local($/); undef $/; $changes = <F>; }
close( F );
$changes =~ s/\n+$/\n/;
# Get the source and version.
if ($changes !~ /^Source:\s*(\S+)(?:\s+\(\S+\))?\s*$/m) {
$self->log("$f doesn't have a Source: field\n");
return 0;
my $source = $1;
if ($changes !~ /^Version:\s*(\S+)\s*$/m) {
$self->log("$f doesn't have a Version: field\n");
return 0;
my $version = $1;
my $pkg = "${source}_$version";
# Get the distributions.
if ($changes !~ /^Distribution:\s*(.*)\s*$/m) {
$self->log("$f doesn't have a Distribution: field\n");
return 0;
my @to_dists = split( /\s+/, $1 );
# Get the files.
$changes =~ /^Files:\s*\n((^[ ]+.*\n)*)/m;
foreach (split( "\n", $1 )) {
push( @md5, (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[1] );
push( @files, (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[5] );
if (!@files) { # probably not a valid changes
$self->log("$f doesn't have a valid File: field\n");
return 0;
# Get the architecture.
my $changes_filename_arch = $self->get_conf('ARCH');
if ($changes =~ /^Architecture:\s*(.+)/m) {
my @arches = grep { $_ ne "all" } split /\s+/, $1;
if (@arches > 1) {
$changes_filename_arch = "multi";
} else {
$changes_filename_arch = $arches[0];
my @wrong_dists = ();
foreach my $d (@to_dists) {
push( @wrong_dists, $d )
if !$self->check_state(
qw(Building Built Install-Wait Reupload-Wait Build-Attempted));
if (@wrong_dists) {
$self->log("STATE WARNING: Package $pkg has target distributions\n" .
"which it isn't registered as Building. Please fix this\n" .
"by either modifying the Distribution: header or taking\n" .
"the package in those distributions, too.\n");
return 0;
for( $i = 0; $i < @files; ++$i ) {
if (! -f $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$files[$i]") {
push( @missing, $files[$i] ) ;
else {
my $home = $self->get_conf('HOME');
chomp( my $sum = `md5sum $home/build/$files[$i]` );
push( @md5fail, $files[$i] ) if (split(/\s+/,$sum))[0] ne $md5[$i];
if (@missing) {
$self->log("While trying to move the built package $pkg to upload,\n".
"the following files mentioned in the .changes were not found:\n".
return 0;
if (@md5fail) {
$self->log("While trying to move the built package $pkg to upload,\n".
"the following files had bad md5 checksums:\n".
return 0;
my @upload_dirs = $self->get_upload_queue_dirs ( $changes );
my $pkg_noep = $pkg;
$pkg_noep =~ s/_\d*:/_/;
my $changes_name = $pkg_noep . "_" . $changes_filename_arch . ".changes";
for my $upload_dir (@upload_dirs) {
if (! -d $upload_dir &&!mkdir( $upload_dir, 0750 )) {
$self->log("Cannot create directory $upload_dir\n");
return 0;
my $errs = 0;
for my $upload_dir (@upload_dirs) {
lock_file( $upload_dir );
foreach (@files) {
if (system "cp " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$_ $upload_dir/$_") {
$self->log("Cannot copy $_ to $upload_dir/\n");
open( F, ">$upload_dir/$changes_name" );
print F $changes;
close( F );
unlock_file( $upload_dir );
$self->log("Moved $pkg to ", basename($upload_dir), "\n");
foreach (@files) {
if (system "rm " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$_") {
$self->log("Cannot remove build/$_\n");
if ($errs) {
$self->log("Could not move all files to upload dir.");
return 0;
unlink( $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$changes_name" )
or $self->log("Cannot remove " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/$changes_name: $!\n");
return 1;
sub dump_to_dirty ($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $f = shift;
$self->log("Dumping to Dirty : " . $f . "\n");
my( @files, @md5, @missing, @md5fail, $i );
if (!open( F, "<$f" )) {
$self->log("Cannot open $f: $!\n");
return 0;
my $changes;
{ local($/); undef $/; $changes = <F>; }
close( F );
$changes =~ s/\n+$/\n/;
# Get the source and version.
if ($changes !~ /^Source:\s*(\S+)(?:\s+\(\S+\))?\s*$/m) {
$self->log("$f doesn't have a Source: field\n");
return 0;
my $source = $1;
if ($changes !~ /^Version:\s*(\S+)\s*$/m) {
$self->log("$f doesn't have a Version: field\n");
return 0;
my $version = $1;
my $pkg = "${source}_$version";
# Get the files.
$changes =~ /^Files:\s*\n((^[ ]+.*\n)*)/m;
foreach (split( "\n", $1 )) {
push( @md5, (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[1] );
push( @files, (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[5] );
if (!@files) { # probably not a valid changes
$self->log("$f doesn't have a valid File: field\n");
return 0;
my $dirty_dir = $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/dirty";
if (! -d $dirty_dir &&!mkdir( $dirty_dir, 0750 )) {
$self->log("Cannot create directory $dirty_dir\n");
return 0;
my $errs = 0;
lock_file( $dirty_dir );
foreach (@files) {
if (system "cp " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$_ $dirty_dir/$_") {
$self->log("Cannot copy $_ to $dirty_dir/\n");
if (system "cp " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$f $dirty_dir/$f") {
$self->log("Cannot copy $f to $dirty_dir/\n");
unlock_file( $dirty_dir );
$self->log("Moved $pkg to ", basename($dirty_dir), "\n");
foreach (@files) {
if (system "rm " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$_") {
$self->log("Cannot remove build/$_\n");
if ($errs) {
$self->log("Could not move all files to dirty dir.");
return 0;
unlink( $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$f" )
or $self->log("Cannot remove " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/$f: $!\n");
return 1;
sub check_state ($@) {
my $self = shift;
my $retval = $self->check_state_internal(@_);
# check if we should retry the call
if ($retval == -1) {
my $interval = int(rand(120));
$self->log("Retrying --info in $interval seconds...\n");
# 0..120s of sleep ought to be enough for retrying;
sleep $interval;
$retval = $self->check_state_internal(@_);
# remap the -1 retry code to failure
if ($retval == -1) {
return 0;
} else {
return $retval;
return $retval;
sub check_state_internal ($$@) {
my $self = shift;
my $pkgv = shift;
my $dist_config = shift;
my @wanted_states = @_;
my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
# Package may be passed in with a version.
$pkgv =~ /^([^_]+)_(.+)/;
my ($pkg, $vers) = ($1, $2);
my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
my $pipe = $db->pipe_query('--info', "--dist=$dist_name", $pkg);
if (!$pipe) {
$self->log("Couldn't start wanna-build --info: $!\n");
# let check_state() retry if needed
return -1;
my ($av, $as, $ab, $an);
while(<$pipe>) {
$av = $1 if /^\s*Version\s*:\s*(\S+)/;
$as = $1 if /^\s*State\s*:\s*(\S+)/;
$ab = $1 if /^\s*Builder\s*:\s*(\S+)/;
$an = $1 if /^\s*Binary-NMU-Version\s*:\s*(\d+)/;
if ($?) {
my $t = "wanna-build --info failed with status ".exitstatus($?)."\n";
return 0;
$av = binNMU_version($av,$an,undef) if (defined $an);
if ($av ne $vers) {
# $self->log("$pkgv($dist_name) check_state(@wanted_states): " .
# "version $av registered as $as\n");
return 0;
if (!Buildd::isin($as, @wanted_states)) {
# $self->log("$pkgv($dist_name) check_state(@wanted_states): " .
# "state is $as\n");
return 0;
if ($as eq "Building" && $ab ne $dist_config->get('WANNA_BUILD_DB_USER')) {
#$self->log("$pkgv($dist_name) check_state(@wanted_states): " .
# "is building by $ab\n");
return 0;
return 1;
sub get_upload_queue_dirs ($) {
my $self = shift;
my $changes = shift;
my %upload_dirs;
$changes =~ /^Distribution:\s*(.*)\s*$/m;
my @dists = split( /\s+/, $1 );
for my $dist_config (@{$self->get_conf('DISTRIBUTIONS')}) {
my $upload_dir = $self->get_conf('HOME') . '/' . $dist_config->get('DUPLOAD_LOCAL_QUEUE_DIR');
if (grep { $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME') eq $_ } @dists) {
$upload_dirs{$upload_dir} = 1;
return keys %upload_dirs;
mkdir $working
# Loop over each argument.
for package in "$@"
cat /dev/null > $v6tmp
cat /dev/null > $v7tmp
cat /dev/null > $othertmp
package_file=`basename $package`
cd `dirname $package`
cd $cwd
cd $working
ar x $package_path
cd $cwd
test -d $working/data && rm -rf $working/data
mkdir $working/data
if [ -f $working/data.tar.gz ]; then
tar xzf $working/data.tar.gz -C $working/data
elif [ -f $working/data.tar.bz2 ]; then
tar xjf $working/data.tar.bz2 -C $working/data
elif [ -f $working/data.tar.xz ]; then
tar xJf $working/data.tar.xz -C $working/data
echo "Uknown data format."
exit 1
find $working/data -type f -print0 | xargs -0 file /dev/null |
grep '\(ELF\|ar archive\)' |
sed 's/:.*//' |
while read filename
readelf -A $filename |
grep 'Tag_CPU_arch:' |
sed 's|.*:\W\+\(\w\+\).*|\1|' |
while read arch
case $arch in
v6 ) echo "ARMv6" >> $v6tmp
v7 ) echo "ARMv7" >> $v7tmp
* ) echo "other" >> $othertmp
v6count=`cat $v6tmp | wc -l`
v7count=`cat $v7tmp | wc -l`
othercount=`cat $othertmp | wc -l`
if [ $v7count -gt '0' ]; then
echo v7_dirty $package_file
echo v7_clean $package_file
# echo $package_file "ARMv6=${v6count} ARMv7=${v7count}
rm -f $working/data.tar.*
rm -f $working/control.tar.*
rm -rf $working
mkdir $working
# Loop over each argument.
for package in "$@"
cat /dev/null > $v6tmp
cat /dev/null > $v7tmp
cat /dev/null > $othertmp
package_file=`basename $package`
cd `dirname $package`
cd $cwd
cd $working
ar x $package_path
cd $cwd
test -d $working/data && rm -rf $working/data
mkdir $working/data
if [ -f $working/data.tar.gz ]; then
tar xzf $working/data.tar.gz -C $working/data
elif [ -f $working/data.tar.bz2 ]; then
tar xjf $working/data.tar.bz2 -C $working/data
elif [ -f $working/data.tar.xz ]; then
tar xJf $working/data.tar.xz -C $working/data
echo "Uknown data format."
exit 1
find $working/data -type f -print0 | xargs -0 file /dev/null |
grep '\(ELF\|ar archive\)' |
sed 's/:.*//' |
while read filename
readelf -A $filename |
grep 'Tag_CPU_arch:' |
sed 's|.*:\W\+\(\w\+\).*|\1|' |
while read arch
case $arch in
v6 ) echo "ARMv6" >> $v6tmp
v7 ) echo "ARMv7" >> $v7tmp
readelf -A $filename
echo $filename
* ) echo "other" >> $othertmp
v6count=`cat $v6tmp | wc -l`
v7count=`cat $v7tmp | wc -l`
othercount=`cat $othertmp | wc -l`
if [ $v7count -gt '0' ]; then
echo v7_dirty $package_file
echo v7_clean $package_file
# echo $package_file "ARMv6=${v6count} ARMv7=${v7count}
rm -f $working/data.tar.*
rm -f $working/control.tar.*
rm -rf $working