On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Lennart Sorensen
<lsore...@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 12:51:13AM +0000, luke.leighton wrote:

>> http://rhombus-tech.net/freescale/iMX6/news/

> Well for a board to be interesting to me it has to have:
> SATA (which you have)
> Ethernet (which you have)
> serial console (in case things go wrong and nothing else works.  FTDI USB
> serial interface is fine, which many systems have, often including JTAG
> as well on the same USB connection.)

 ok lennart, RS232 added.  even with some level-shifters to put it up
to proper voltages and protect the CPU at the same time, how's that
for service? :)

 btw the reason for the sudden focus is because it turns out that the
etna_viv project [*1] actually has something like... working.  that
puts the iMX6 processor family - which is modern, current, affordable
and good value for money - at the top of a VERY short list as far as
FSF-Endorseability is concerned.

 i was working on an ingenic jz4760 board (without realising that it
has a GC200 2D GPU argh) and had to do a mad rush to find out if the
GC200 had been reverse-engineered.... and found that the iMX6's 3D GPU
has been done!  the team (ok - one person, who could really use some
help) are currently working on gallium3d integration [*2]

 anyway - some more lovely pictures here [*3].  anyone with actual
experience in PCB design will probably be cringing at the slow pace as
well as the mistakes being made - that being the case please do speak
up!  the files are available for you to review.


> 2GB ram would be nice, 1GB absolute minimum.  More is nice too.
> HDMI is nice to have (which you have).
> I know the iMX53 boots from SD.  Not sure what the iMX6 boots from.
> As long as I can use SATA for my filesystem and only have to put the
> boot loader somewhere (although on SATA would be by far the most ideal),
> then NAND flash is of no interest what so ever.
> --
> Len Sorensen

[*1] https://github.com/imx6-dongle/wiki/wiki
[*2] https://blog.visucore.com/2013/3/29/etnaviv-status-update-2
[*3] http://rhombus-tech.net/freescale/iMX6/news/

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